Worms in adults: symptoms, treatment

Worms call worms in the group of worms which are parasitic in the human body, which disorder organs and systems. The adults often tapeworm, as well as the industry. There may also be different types of tapeworms that treat tapeworms. In all cases, if the symptoms of helminthiasis should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe an effective treatment.

The causes of the disease

Several sources of contamination of the body by helminths:

  1. The stick – in this case, the worms enter the human body soil -, water. It may also occur after contact with the animal during removal of fly eggs in food.
  2. Contact way worms are passed from the person who. So tablets are usually spread, the risk of infection is very high.
  3. Bio-helminthiasis – worms in the body after the consumption of raw raw meat or fish.
  4. Insect bites. Often carriers of the worms in the mosquitoes.
Worms adults

The main route of infection with worms is considered to be fecal-oral. In this case, helminthiasisok eggs enter the human body, food or water. Rare drugs the infection occurs insect bites.

The symptoms of worms in adults

Signs of infection is directly dependent on the localization of worms in the body. The largest colonies of parasites – ascarids, dyes, a tapeworm found in the intestine, however, some helminths are able to move through the body. For example, the industry is also first in the stomach, and from there through the blood reaches the lungs or the liver. There are going to three weeks, then re-enter the intestine or the stomach.

Pinworms are often found in the anus, which is a strong itching. The women can also be localized in the genitals. Parasites such as Fluke cat often lives in the liver, pancreas. Echinococcus granulosus is able to hit, muscle -, bone -, tsepni – penetrate even into the brain. Furthermore, certain types of worms can be in the respiratory tract causing a persistent cough.

Depending on the localization results in the following symptoms of helminthiasis:

  • Constipation. The worms of large size, close to the lumen of the bowel, which is due to the violation of the chair. Constipation last for more than two days.
  • Diarrhea. Certain parasites produce a special substance that stimulates the body to the secretion of undigested food residues with plenty of water.
  • Flatulence. Some species of helminths provoke swelling in the small intestine, which is excessive gas formation. If the time doesn't get rid of the worms, flatulence, can be up to several months.
  • The irritable bowel syndrome. Worms can cause the development of inflammation in the intestine leading to nutrient malabsorption.
  • Pain in muscles, joints. Worms are localized in the body in any part of. If they fall in the joints or muscles, you begin to destroy tissue. The result is pain, which is the body's response to the activity of the parasite.
  • Allergy. A selection of worms can cause the body production of special cells called eosinophils. They lead to the inflammation of the tissues, will cause allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of the skin. As a result of a person, pimples, wrinkles, rashes, acne, and even warts. Sometimes the infection with helminths leads to increased fragility of nails, hair.
  • Anemia. Certain types of worms can survive in the walls of the intestine, receiving from him not only the nutrients, but also blood. In the end, the man is a development of anemia.
  • Pain, muscles, joints
  • The mass change. Most commonly the infection with helminths leads to sharp weight loss. The fact that the parasite's products a significant amount of nutrients coming into the human body, the food. In fact, the presence of helminthiasisok infection often leads to loss of appetite. However, in certain cases, the people, the growth of the body mass – this process is a defensive reaction of the organism to release the worms.
  • Problems in the functioning of the nervous system. The presence of the worms in the body affects the state of the nervous system. As a result, the person develops anxiety, anxiety, and even depression.
  • Sleep disorders. If you wake up every night in the middle of sleep, this indicates a helminthiasisok infection. It was at this time by cleaning the liver produces toxins helminths. Usually parasites leave the body through the anus, and this process is accompanied by a feeling of strong itching.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition manifests itself as depression, lethargy, weakness. The reason for this problem lies in the lack of nutrients in the body. The person may have memory loss, emotional tension.
  • Disorders of the immune system. Infection with helminths can cause immune disorders. As a result, people more often suffer from viral diseases. There may be allergic reactions to conventional products. The intestine often develop goiter or colitis, but the face – acne, herpes.
  • The oncology pathology. Worms may be enough to poison the body, the immune system can't cope with this process. The result of the formation of various complications, including conducive to the appearance of malignant tumors.
  • The inflammatory process in the Airways. Worms can move freely in the different organs, and, of course, the respiratory system cannot be an exception. If the worms obstruct the airway channels, you might have a hard time breathing. Furthermore, people often cough, increased body temperature. Rather dangerous complication of the helminthiasisok infections is the development of bronchial asthma.
Methods of diagnosis of helminthiasis

Methods of diagnosis of helminthiasis

In order to identify the worms in the adult organism, most commonly used ovoscopy. This study is the analysis of the feces, the eggs of helminths, which are parasites of the digestive tract. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to acquire the absolute results, as not all worm eggs on a regular basis.

More accurate results can be achieved with the help of histological coprogram. Through this examination clearly identifies the parts of the bodies of the worms and the eggs. The result, it is possible not only to diagnose helminthiasisok infections, but also to determine the species of parasites detected.

If there is any suspicion that the localization of helminths in the lungs, appears on an x-ray. In addition, inspection of the sputum. To identify parasites of the liver, brain, or kidney, carried out with CT or ultrasound. The diagnosis of helminths in the blood, to the blood. For this purpose can be carried out immunological tests.

The treatment of worms in adults

The treatment is the most effective, you need to consult a doctor and adhere strictly to the recommendations. Specialist provides treatment only on the basis of the test results. Own medicines because of these toxic effects on the human body. In addition, it is worth considering whether the different worms require different treatment. Equally important, when choosing the dosage of the drug, the age, the weight of the person.

Is detected the diagnosed, or ascarids medicines used to treat.

Many drugs are ineffective against larvae and eggs of worms. In addition, there is a relatively high threat of self-infection Enterobius. So after 2-3 weeks, the treatment should be repeated.

Among the folk medicine against helminths secret pumpkin seed, and the herb tansy. The seeds should be cleaned, to save to eat a thin layer situated between the core and the shell.

Get rid of the worms 300 g this product, mix with the honey to eat. Do your best in the morning hours. Then 3-4 hours to abstain from food. After this time you will need to have an enema. The treatment can be repeated in a few weeks.

One of the most popular means that the worms tansy. To prepare the juice of 3 tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, and then filtered. The skin should drink 3-4 times a day, a tbsp.

To cope with the toxins to destroy the worms help products bitter. For these purposes it is recommended wormwood, cloves. In addition, almost all worms can not tolerate acidic environment. So, to cope with the worms by inclusion in the diet of sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, natural fruit juices, acidic fruits, and vegetables.

If there is a suspicion that the presence of the worms in the body, you should include the diet, a large number of fresh carrots. It is also very useful to drink natural carrot juice, infusion of birch buds. The preparation of a teaspoon of raw pour a glass of water, and heat on a steam bath for half an hour. Two hours later the infusion is ready for use. It is recommended that half a glass means that twice a day. The course of treatment – 1 week.

Prevention of worms

You don't have to deal with the unpleasant consequences of helminthiasisok infection, it is recommended to perform the preventive measures. For this you must stop the use of the raw water from springs or wells. You can drink only boiled or filtered water.

After contact with the ground, in the hands of a good with plenty of soap and water wash. Not less carefully it is worth to wash the vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries. It is very important to thoroughly heat treatment meat, fish, poultry. It is not recommended to eat dried, salted or raw products containing the blood.

After bathing in the waters, it is necessary to take a shower. Do not allow Pets to lick your hands or face, because the language can be helminthiasisok eggs. After contact with animals should wash their hands. Also, you should run anti-parasite cleaning pet.


The specifics of helminthiasisok infections during pregnancy

The worms I think that is, of course, the pregnant women is no exception. In fact, during pregnancy the immune system is significantly weakened, and therefore the threat, the development of helminthiasis increases. To avoid this, you need to pay attention to disease prevention – it's good to wash your hands after using the toilet or contact with animals, to carefully manage the vegetables, herbs, fruits, before eating.

If the infection has not yet occurred, contact your doctor immediately. The pregnancy, that not all medicines, the worms. During this period, allowed only the use of piperazine. If you are infected with Ascaris the dose 1,5-2 g, the treatment course is 2 days, 2 doses one hour before meals. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed is diagnosed, therapy should be continued for 5 days, the drug in the same dose.

The worms are quite common in adults, causing serious disruptions to the work of many organs and systems. In order to prevent the dangerous complications have to deal with prevention of helminthiasis. If the parasite-taki the organisation, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe an effective remedy.